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Returns are accepted within 14 days of placing your order.
Return items by shipping them 2540 W Princeville Dr., Anthem, AZ 85086. When shipping, please choose a carrier that can provide tracking and insurance. Arizona17 cannot replace packages lost during return shipment if proof of tracking is unavailable.
If you are your item, please include a note with your name, return address, daytime phone number, email, name of the product, and reason for return. We will issue a refund if the return is made within days. If the return is past 14 days, we will issue you in-store credit.
If the original purchase was made with a credit card, we will credit the card account for the returned item(s) upon receipt. The credit card will be charged for the replacement item(s) when shipped. If we cannot exchange or repair the item comply with your request, we may, at our discretion, return the product to you or issue you store credit.
Please note that our products are made on demand and may take a few days to fulfill and ship. The typical turnaround time with shipping is about week but may be longer during periods of high volume For faster turnaround, please choose expedited shipping, such as overnight or 2nd-day service. Delivery time depends on the shipping carrier, backorder status, weather conditions, and holiday demand. Thus, we cannot guarantee an exact date of delivery.
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